
90 days plan to crack the Patent Agent Exam 2020

90 Day Plan To Crack The Patent Agent Exam 2020

Table of Contents

Cracking a competitive exam involves planning, scheduling and managing your time to prepare for the exam.  As the cliche goes, realization is the first step towards achieving anything significant. Unless you are not aware of the available resources, it is hard to make head start towards the preparation. The Indian patent office (IPO), has announced the exam date to be June 28th 2020.[1]

I invite the readers to read another post on Patent Agents (How and why to become a Patent agent). Here is the layout to start your preparation process, assuming you start by 28th March 2020, that would leave exactly 90 days for the exam. If this is translated into hours, it would be approximately 2160 hours.

Resources to Cover For The Patent Agent Exam 2020:

Patent Agent Exam Course Material on Lexcampus:

Now, let us look at the course material from LexCampus and chalk out a preparation plan. The total time you will be investing in watching these lectures on LexCampus (Paper I and Paper II) would be approximately 32 hrs. And factoring the time taken to finish quizzes at the end of every lecture amounts to 8 hrs in total, this leaves 40 hrs for covering the course material alone.

Preparation Aid: Model Patent Agent Exam And Revision Tests 

If the preparation aid module, including revision tests and model exams, were selected to supplement your course material, then 5 hours each for model exam (paper 1 and paper 2) and considering four model exams in the package, this tally would account for 20 hours in total. In addition, 25 revision tests, and each revision test may not take more than 15 mins, which would be roughly 6 hours. So, to finish the preparation aid, it would take 26 hours in total.

Revision For The Patent Agent Exam:

As is the case with every other course, it may not be ideal for someone new to catch everything in the first attempt. To revise this entire course content one more time, along with preparation aid, would take another 66 hours in total.  In order to complete two rounds of revision, it must take 132 hours in total. Please note, the entire day is not spent on preparation.

Planning Your Time For The Patent Agent Exam:

On average, any working professional can spend only a maximum of 2 hrs/day, so until the patent law agent exam, there are only 180 hours (90 Days) available to prepare for the exam. From the previous paragraph, course contents, preparation aid, and revision would approximately take 132 hours, which leaves extra 48 hours to master the contents (Figure 1). Anytime borrowed from other activities on any  given day would be extra time you invest on your preparation. Please note for the ease of calculation, weekends were not factored in and everyday was considered equal for our analysis.

90 Day Plan To Crack The Patent Agent Exam 2020 - Number of hours to spend on each area


[1] http://www.ipindia.nic.in/newsdetail.htm?660